124The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is supporting a number of projects designed to implement, and evaluate the effectiveness of, interventions to reduce the risk of HIV transmission. One of these projects, the AIDS Community Demonstration Projects (ACDP), is a multisite study involving five U.S. cities: Dallas, Denver, Long Beach, New York, and Seattle. Generally speaking, the ACDP is evaluating the effectiveness of using community volunteers to deliver a theory-based intervention designed to increase consistent condom use and/or consistent bleach use in a number of ethnically diverse, traditionally hard-to-reach, high risk populations: men who have sex with men but who do not gay identify (MSM-ngi); injecting drug users (IDU) who are not recruited from treatment programs; female sex partners (FSP) of male IDU; female prostitutes or sex traders (FST); and youth in high risk situations (YHR). Each project, except Dallas, intervened with one to three of these groups; the Dallas project intervened with residents in two separate census tracts having a high rate of both STD and drug use (O'Reilly & Higgins, 1991).