After the period of National Socialist rule with its singular promotion of youthful, racially pure bodies, fast as greyhounds, tough as leather and hard as Krupp steel (Hitler, 1935), ‘Erlebnispädagogik’ in Germany had been publicly discredited, but it has been able to recover remarkably fast since the 1970s. By this time it had become a solid and attractive component of youth work and youth welfare. Where ‘Erlebnispädagogik’ was once educational ‘dynamite’ and a new approach to reforming the Wilhelmine school system, today it has largely left the sphere of the school. Besides youth work it is located in in-company training, and further and early education. Although at present there is only one academic university qualification, there are additional qualifications provided by Fachhochschulen (technical colleges) and a large market offering further education. There are tentative indications for the subject to spread more widely into the academic field.