The concept of utopia is formulated in the polar opposition to that of ideology: both ideology and utopia are forms of thought which transcends the existence. The idea of truth toward which Mannheim is striving suits such considerations: the dynamic truth, in which perspective and commitment are not separate, but where a genuine intellectual perspective has an element of political commitment that already entered into it. More fruitful for the problem of utopia than its connection with ideology is the relationship of absolute and relative utopias. Mannheim establishes the different kinds of utopian consciousness in different political groups, beginning with the chiliasm of Anabaptists and ending with the socialist and communist utopia. The concept of ideology cannot be total if one thesis, and indeed the important one, is exempted from the ideological rootedness: that of concrete, dynamic truth. Since not even Mannheim himself succeeds in achieving the total and general concept of ideology, it must doubtlessly concede to be unrealisable.