While feminist theology has flourished since the 1970s, it is something of a marginalized enclave in feminist theory, which is largely secular, if not thoroughly anti-religious, in outlook. However, the late 1990s saw the publication of two monographs expounding a feminist philosophy of religion (Anderson 1998; Jantzen 1998). Since then the field continues to reconfigure “malestream” philosophical reflection on religion in cogent and novel ways (on some of these, see Chapter 5 in this volume). Nevertheless, feminist philosophy of religion remains curiously mute on the topic of religious diversity (but see Anderson 2011). This is an oversight, not least because recent post-secular debates are often cashed out in terms of the “Muslim issue” (Braidotti 2008: 4), thus fuelling a toxic climate of “gendered Islamophobia” (see Perry 2014; Zine 2006).