Philosophy of science is concerned with the nature of science, its practices and results. But unlike other fields concerned with science, such as history of science and sociology of science, philosophy of science aims not simply to describe science but to articulate and even improve upon what lies at the very heart of its success, scientific rationality itself. Feminist philosophy of science has furthered this enterprise in a variety of ways. One way, for example, concerns the scope of the enterprise. Traditional philosophy of science failed to consider women whether as scientific researchers, as subjects of scientific research, or as individuals affected by such research, and feminist philosophers of science have done much to rectify that failure. Many of these philosophers have even suggested that women must be included in philosophy of science in at least some of these capacities if scientific rationality is to be captured at all. But there are also other contributions feminist philosophers have made to philosophy of science. In what follows we shall consider some of the most important of these contributions and their impact on science and society as well as philosophy.