Despite this scenario, Italy currently lacks specifi c policy tools aiming at mitigating or adapting to the possible effects of climate change on economic and social activities. One step in that direction was taken in 2001 when the national government appointed the main responsibilities to protect the local environment and plan territorial development to the regional governments and authorities in charge of elaborating regional plans and promoting proper interventions among their provinces and municipalities (PRC, 2009). In this framework, the Ministry of the Environment maintains a role of coordination among different policies and

the possibility of promoting specifi c investments in accordance with the local governments. One of these integrated approaches comes directly from the European Union and is represented by the introduction of Integrated Coastal Zone Management (European Commission, 2002: COM 2002/413/CE) with a special approach to the Mediterranean partnership (European Commission, 2009: Barcelona Protocol, 2008). Under the integrated management, the ministry, its international partners, and local authorities, plan interventions aiming at reaching better adaptation level and preventing potential damages caused by environmental and climatic changes in the coastal zones.