The author offers a glimpse into both the horror and the humanity birthed from natural and man-made disasters. It follows an account of the author's Hurricane Katrina experience. As a species, we must react and adapt to our environment. The alternative is extinction. The list of human inventions for protecting ourselves from the elements is endless and dates back to our earliest ancestors: caves, huts, animal skins, foul weather gear, storm-and quake-proof structures, mechanically conditioned air, etc. Preparation for Hurricane Katrina proceeded like so many other storms in his memory of a half-century. The author have experienced the proverbial weeping and gnashing of teeth since Katrina and the federal flood. In the immediate aftermath of the storm, there seemed to be an endless list of horrors perpetrated on people of limited resources. Lack of housing was the most obvious and ubiquitous inequity that he observed. A city that thrives on food and entertainment is dependent on a healthy working class.