This chapter employs qualitative methods, specifically participant observation, content analysis, and critical discourse analysis. Three sets of primary sources were triangulated: field notes from participant observation; a range of websites on petroleum law, exploration, and production; and online news sources. The chapter shifts the attention from met narratives to the narratives of micro-sites by moving beyond the local/global binary, thereby addressing an important gap in current literature and articulating the intimate human experience linked to Global Climate Change (GCC). Natural gas production is mostly in the Thrace basin, while oil production is mostly found in the Southeast Basin, the latter being the primary focus of this chapter. The global intimate", as Mountz and Hyndman coin it, is the embodied experience of global trends, observable in the most intimate spaces. The studies on micro-sites such as the Elmo oil field can teach us about the larger issues relating to the global oil industry by showing the interconnectedness of the local/global.