This chapter examines two sections regarding climate injustices along lines of gender and race. It also examines relevance of intersecting economic injustices. The chapter suggests that attending to intersecting disparities can help achieve effective responses to climate change, while extending our understanding of social inequality. It builds on environmental justice analyses which have shown how inequities are bound up with institutions that cause and prolong ecological burdens. It indicates how various injustices are default outcomes of climate changes, as these inequities also aggravate climate impacts. Reviewing racialized and gendered forms of inequality in two distinct sections has been over simplistic and misleading, however. Accounts of the dimensions of racialized and gendered disparities in relation to climate change can extend the more limited forms of climate discourse while deepening our understanding of inequality. Further attention toward these environmental inequities can strengthen social movements, and our analysis. In the meantime, there are major gaps in relevant analysis, and far too little synthesis.