Gandhi represents several research puzzles rolled into one. In his own words: ‘I make no hobgoblin of consistency. If I am true to myself from moment to moment, I do not mind all the inconsistencies that may be flung in my face.’1 However, notwithstanding his ‘textured interiority’ in the midst of real world struggles, Gandhiana remains arguably the most enchanting and intellectually rewarding political subject of study.2 There are several available interpretations of Gandhi’s life and work (apart from his own prolific writings) and I can make no special claim to seek your indulgence. However, as Gandhi would have argued each must choose for oneself what might appeal to him or her premised on one’s own authentic life experiences. From this vantage point, everybody is entitled to read Gandhi one way or the other. I reside here. However, this is no plea for methodological anarchism. Several scholars have accurately suggested

 I would like to express my special gratitude to the Gandhian scholar Thomas Weber and participants at the IFS-IDSA International Conference on ‘India’s Grand Strategic Thought’ held in Oslo, September 8-11, 2010 for their insightful comments. My gratitude also extends to V. Krishnappa for generously sharing his personal collection of the Gandhian oeuvre. The usual disclaimer applies.