Chaucer’s “Troilus Frontispiece” depicts for many the quintessential version of medieval textuality. As Mary Carruthers has recently asserted, this image suggests that text in late medieval England could be an oral and social event – performance – rather than a physical object. How were medieval texts experienced? Were they read silently? Read aloud alone? Read to an audience? Most likely all three. So in their time they were “remediated” in ways that we don’ t consider with modern texts. It seems more fruitful, then, to consider these new remediations of medieval texts in terms of their own affordances – what is it that these new versions of medieval works offer to their readers and what are their limitations? To the more usual consideration of print texts versus digital texts, we would like to offer a third medium, the augmented reality (AR) text which blends elements of both and offers readers yet another new reading experience.