This chapter explores the role of feedback in the assessment process. The content of assessment feedback can range anywhere from a pass/fail statement to a detailed, competency-based report delivered in person and followed up with suggestions for development. Unlike feedback in other contexts, such as performance appraisal, selection feedback is not generally about how applicants can improve their performance in the future. Indeed, many tools are used in selection to measure areas where we do not believe people can easily improve, such as personality characteristics and general cognitive ability. Although the primary purpose of feedback may be to explain the selection decision, feedback may influence applicants’ perceptions of fairness, their self-image, and their reactions to the organization. This, in turn, may affect applicants’ behavior, such as whether or not to accept a job or recommend the organization to another prospective employee. Also, although not necessarily the intended purpose, selection feedback may be useful to guide applicants’ development—whether to help them next time they apply for a position, repeat a similar test for the same job, accept a job offer, or need or want further training to enhance their job performance. Furthermore, organizations and human resource (HR) professionals who are responsible for selection may view giving feedback as a professional and ethical obligation, or it may be required by law in some cases. Assessment feedback also can affect the organization’s reputation, for instance, as a respectful, development-oriented employer.