In Internationalizing Media Theory, John D. H. Downing remarks, “without constant attention to [power relations], media studies might as well shut up shop.” 1 We wholeheartedly agree, and most critical media scholars will find Downing’s claim familiar, as it constitutes one of the seemingly commonplace assumptions of critical media studies. Indeed, the call for constant attention to the changing nature of power relations is one that is consistently made by critical researchers during times of inter-paradigm dialogue on the nature of media studies. 2 While the sentiment may be familiar, critical scholars devote comparatively less attention to establishing explicit definitions of “power,” generally, or “media power,” more specifically. Rather, critical scholars may operate with either an implicit understanding of power or they may adhere to a definition that is inspired by the work of one or another social theorist. However, given the importance of power to the entire enterprise of critical media studies, the contours of power relations are in constant need of rethinking, renewal, or outright disposal.