Social media and web 2.0 are terms that have become popular since 2005 when Tim O’Reilly, founder and CEO of the computer technology and business press O’Reilly Media, introduced the concept of web 2.0. 1 On the one hand, these notions are capitalist ideologies that have tried to convince investors and advertisers that the Internet has been completely renewed after the 2000 dot-com crisis and that it poses great new investment opportunities. 2 The ultimate goal underlying the notions of web 2.0 and social media is to attract venture capital investments to the capitalist Internet economy. On the other hand, there is an element of rationality to this marketing ideology: platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Weibo, Wikipedia, Pinterest, etc. do not constitute a completely new Internet, but they have integrated various forms of sociality into their services (i.e., creating and sharing information, communication, and cooperation) that were previously only supported by Internet technologies. 3