A recent study portrays a devastating picture of material disadvantages trans people in the USA face. Many live in extreme poverty; they face unemployment at twice the rate of the general population; 90% of those surveyed reported having experienced workplace harassment, mistreatment or discrimination (or tried to non-disclose their trans status to avoid this); 47% reported having had experienced adverse job outcomes (like being denied promotion); one-fifth had experienced homelessness at some point due to their trans status; 53% reported having been verbally harassed or disrespected in public places, such as hotels, restaurants, buses, airports and government agencies; and 41% of the respondents reported having attempted suicide compared to 1.6% of the general population. Although respondents from all backgrounds were found to have suffered discrimination, trans people of color were particularly adversely affected due to the interaction of anti-trans bias and structural racism (Grant et al. 2011, 2–5).