Michael Meredith and I did the Matter book. In that book there are 20 participants who each did a chapter. They each were looking at materials, tools, and processes as methods to generate form. The collective was making an argument that material was the new theory. In framing that conversation we did two West Coast interviews and two East Coast interviews. I interviewed Neil Denari and Michael Maltzan. Meredith interviewed Nader Tehrani and Stan Allen. This book is a follow-up to the Matter book and is a doppelgänger to it (the format was white text on black; this will be black text on white with same format and size, same premise). This book is entitled Lineament and deals with representation in architecture; representation as an emerging generative tool. The title comes from an amazing Leon Battista Alberti quote that we found, in which he basically describes architecture as either matter or lineament. Matter: the physical, and Lineament: the representational, but also the idea that there is some in-between where the idea is merged with how the things you design can be represented. So, this time we are doing Wes Jones and you from the West Coast. From the east are Jan de Vylder, and Paul Lewis. Each of you is different in their approach, but the idea is really an underlying touchstone that every architect has to grapple with. Representation is such a significant thing, so what is the significance of representation in your work? You guys have a very distinct signature in terms of how you visualize, your graphic language, and how you depict your projects, which have very sophisticated and complex ideas. You are able to bring those through with very clear readings. So again, I’m curious what is the role in representation in your work?