Architectural design carries a long history of evolution of the translation of design intent into built form. Geometry has played a central role as the carrier and generator of design intent. This has led to a steady expansion of the universe of geometric-based design tools and subsequent processes that operate on designs through the lens of geometric information. While immensely powerful and productive, the excessive dependency on geometry reduced development in other forms of design abstractions, especially in the realm of computation. The first project of the stool shown here is representative of the challenges of this synonymous treatment of geometry and design, enabled through digital fabrication. Despite this the project is an attempt to approach this relationship from a new angle through developing the resulting physical artifact as embodied computation, where the fabricated physical artifact is not the endpoint of the geometry to physical form process but rather the midpoint with the physical construct being in the world being a crucial step in the completion of the design. For the stool this remains limited to being channeled through the geometric description.