Introduction While landing a job in academia may be a dream come true for many, keeping and thriving in the job bring a set of challenges that can be doubly daunting if they must be met in a language one is not entirely comfortable with. Functioning as a professional academic in English, as many even in non-English-dominant nation-states are now asked to do, entails engagement in a complex activity system of communicative academic practices, both oral and literate, pedagogical (in English-medium institutions) and research-oriented, many of which are discussed in other chapters in this volume (see, for example, Crawford Camiciottoli & Querol-Julián; Forey and Feng; Kuteeva, all this volume). This chapter on English for professional academic purposes, or EPAP, however, focuses on arguably the most highstakes and stress-inducing of the practices that professional academics around the world are increasingly expected to master; namely, research publication in English. Thus, our specific focus is English for research publication purposes, or ERPP (see Flowerdew, 2013b).