Olympian Rationality, Adaptive Routines and Bounded Rationality Markets work through networks of information ows, thanks to which people de ne contracts of exchanges and implement allocative choices. Understanding the way markets work means conceiving the cognitive capabilities which people use when they cooperate or compete in production and exchange. Both intellectual and relational capabilities are required, including attitudes pertaining to the sphere of behaviour related to ‘sympathy’. In considering cognitive aspects in economic activity, a minimum requirement should be to look at the multiple sides of intelligence explored by scholars in psychology.1 In economic theory the focus was primarily on intellectual capabilities in ‘rational choice’. Since the nineteenth century, in economics ‘rationality’ was conceived along three modelling strategies, which we broadly distinguish under the labels of perfect rationality, adaptive rationality and bounded rationality. ey embody di erent views of how the mind works, when people deal with economic a airs, though they may partially overlap, calling into question the complexity or consistency of the architecture of cognition, which di erent economists propose.