Like every morning, Peter bikes to work. There are a lot of noises, lights, and distractions along his route, but Peter typically ignores them. He thinks about the tasks he needs to do, what he will have for lunch, or just listens to music. His mind is primarily occupied with thoughts that bear no relevance to his cycling. All of a sudden, Peter gets hit by a car while crossing a street. He forgot to look left and right, and did not see the car coming. He was too distracted to remember that he did not have priority on this crossroad. Charlotte just finished work, and decides to go home. She is tired, and is longing for some quiet and rest. At work, she had to run from one meeting to the other, and just wants to sit down. Charlotte is depleted. While walking home, she stops at the supermarket to buy dinner. She is now strolling through the aisles, just thinking of the comfortable couch. Before noticing it, she is at the cashier’s paying for a pizza, and adding the delicious muffin from the shelf next to the cash register. On her walk home, Charlotte realizes that she just ruined her diet.