Faith, 1 a 14-year-old “engineer and psychologist,” is interested in using engineering to help people feel better about themselves physically and emotionally. Now a 9th grade student in Great Lakes City, Michigan, Faith constantly looks back at her work done in the equity-oriented community makerspace club at her local Boys and Girls Club. In 7th grade, when she began regularly attending the makerspace, she stated that the engineering she did at the club could be used to “take care of her community” in ways that traditional school curriculum did not support her in doing. She also stated that “[in the makerspace] we learned about green energy and using technology to help people; they told us to think about an invention that can help other people in our community. If you notice the name of [my website] it is called imagination creator. I really think I create things with my imagination and if we don’t use our imagination then how can we make up new ideas?”