Educational privatization has emerged as a central topic of educational policy in the twenty-first century. More specifically, it has arisen in the form of new initiatives that have been proposed for funding education such as educational vouchers and tuition tax credits as well as methods of providing public support for private schooling. Most observers have at least some opinion on the subject, although accurate information on what is meant by privatization is much scarcer. A major public opinion poll found that about 80 percent of those questioned clearly favored or opposed educational vouchers, a particular approach by which government would fund private school tuition (Public Agenda, 1999). But only about one-third of the respondents could provide even a simple description of educational vouchers. This book represents an attempt to broaden knowledge and understanding of educational privatization by demonstrating its diverse forms and consequences. It is important to note that we are neither advocates nor opponents of educational privatization. We both have a strong belief that policy on the subject needs to be informed by knowledge and understanding rather than emotions and symbolism. Thus, this book is written in the spirit of an attempt at balanced analysis on a controversial subject.