“Indignez-vous!” was the title of the 2010 essay of the French diplomat Stéphane Hessel, who placed the emotion of indignation at the centre of political engagement and called for a non-violent uprising against the failures of finance capitalism (Hessel 2011). It was this call that the disgruntled Spanish citizens responded to when they took to the streets in the spring of 2011 and occupied squares all over Spain in the wake of the global financial crisis in what has been named the 15-M or Indignados movement. Indignados has been the most organized and vocal form of civic resistance to the ways European governments responded to the euro crisis and the austerity measures they implemented (Hyman 2015). Linked to the Arab revolutions of 2011, 15-M has been celebrated as the predecessor of the Occupy movement (Oikonomakis and Roos 2013). More immediately, the Spanish Indignados inspired similar movements across other Southern European countries affected by the Eurozone crisis, such as Portugal, Italy and especially Greece, where the respective Aganaktismenoi occupied the squares of Greek cities over the summer of 2011.