Following the premise of my study, metropolitan Jerusalem does not include the internal and external Arab neighbourhoods currently under Israeli sovereignty. For the sake of the negotiation analysis these neighbourhoods will be examined separately, although from a geographical point of view they are part of the metropolitan area. The external ring of Arab neighbourhoods includes to the north, the neighbourhoods of Semiramis, Kufr ‘Aqeb, part of the Qalandiya airport, that part of al-Ram and Dahiat al-Barid that lies within Jerusalem’s current municipal borders, Bait Hanina, Sho‘afat, Sho‘afat refugee camp, Anata, Ras Hamis, al-Tur and Ras al-‘Amud. The southern territory includes the neighbourhoods of Jabel Mukabar, Sawahra al-Gharbiyya, Sur Baher, Um Tuba, Bait Safafa, Sharafat, al-Walajeh and Isawiyeh. The internal ring of Arab neighbourhoods includes Wadi Joz, Silwan (with the exception of that part called ‘the City of David’), Sheikh Jarah, Salah al-Din and Sultan Suleiman streets, Sawwaneh and Abu-Tur. Israel built 13 Jewish neighbourhoods, such as Gilo, East Talpiyot, Ramot and Pisgat Ze’ev, in close proximity to the Palestinian internal and external rings.