The global popularization of the Internet-a global network linking computers, databases, and and communication devices-has radically altered the consumption and production of information around the world. Likewise, the emergence of cyberspace-a deterritorialized platform allowing communication without regard for geographic location assuming the user has access the Internet-has greatly increased communication between the peoples on both sides of traditional national boundaries. Despite the best efforts of state governments, the Internet and Internetbased communication have proved to be difficult for state actors to regulate. As claimed by Walter Wriston in his seminal article (Wriston 1997), the abundance of information challenges state power as more people demand the freedoms they see enjoyed in other parts of the world. And so the virus of freedom, for which there is no antidote, is spread by electronic networks to the four corners of the earth. Indeed, in the global information age, state governments everywhere have become especially attentive to the information flowing across their national boundaries.