This chapter critically and historically maps the processes, contexts, and relationships shaping the articulation of indigeneity and contemporary Indigenous politics in North America. The chapter argues that the racialized formation of North America as a social space has produced different places of reference driven by European imperial competition, complex racial categories, and boundaries of citizenship. Different systems of domination and dispossession are crucial in understanding the articulation of indigeneity, and transnational actions challenging Eurocentric geographic understandings of the region. I understand articulation as the process of producing meanings, creating practices and political possibilities. In using the concept of articulation I underline how discourse and practices are embedded in specific locations, and economic, political, and cultural processes. By exploring two Indigenous North American experiences, the Binational Organisations Indigenous Front (FIOB in Spanish) and the struggle of the transborder Tohono O’odham nation, I attempt to illustrate how these cases challenge imposed understandings of borders, sovereignty, history, and otherness.