The book is composed of 11 chapters focusing on different regions of the Americas: Canada (the Iroquois-speaking Huron and Mohawk, Inuit), the Ecuadorian Andes (the Quechua community of Pessillo), Peru (peoples of the Bajo Huallaga river: the Shiwilu/Jebero, Cocama, Cocamilla, Lamista Quechua, Chamicuro and Chayahuita), Chile (the island Apiao and the upland Mapuche), Paraguay (the Guarani) and Brazilian Amazonia (the Trio, Paumari, Wari’, Baniwa and Sateré-Mawé). It brings together the final versions of papers initially presented at the symposium Modes and Effects of Christianity among Indigenous Peoples of the Americas held at the 52nd International Congress of Americanists in 2006.