American labor is grappling and fighting communism and continues to fight and grapple with communism until either the American labor movement is destroyed or communism meets its death. In between the 1910s and the start of the Cold War, labor and socialist groups had developed, then, a considerable corpus of anti-Communist exegesis. In the decades between the two world wars, this body of exegesis solidified into a non-negotiable for a large and influential section of the labor union movement. Labor-on-labor and socialist-on-socialist repression impacted upon many unions but centered on those associated with the Congress of Industrial Organizations. In working with the Fish Committee of 1930 with the Special House Committee on Un-American Activities, better known as the Dies Committee, that existed in 1938-45. The purposes and ultimate aims of anti-Communist labor groups were different from those responsible for the bulk of interwar political repression, and for this reason we can justifiably call these groups anti-Communists proper rather than anti-communists.