Native Hawaiian and Māori are Indigenous Peoples with roots in the Pacific islands of Hawai`i and New Zealand, respectively. There are approximately 449,000 Native Hawaiians living in the USA, mainly in the states of Hawai`i and California (US Census Bureau, 2006-2008). Approximately, 565,329 Māori reside in New Zealand and 72,000 in Australia (Statistics NZ, 2006). An estimated 20,00023,000 New Zealanders live in the USA, 15 per cent – approximately 3,500 – of whom are Māori. The majority of Native Hawaiians and Māori are of multiracial backgrounds but regard their native heritage as their dominant identity. Despite their diversity, Native Hawaiians and Māori share cultural values and practices and, like other Indigenous Peoples, their history bears significant similarities in regards to historic trauma. This chapter examines the trajectory of historic trauma for Native Hawaiians and Māori and explores how they are using cultural strengths and resilience to ‘rise from the trauma’, despite continuing challenges. For too long, settler governments, society and social workers have viewed Native Hawaiians and Māori through a problem-focused lens, which negates the good work and collective progress of these groups, including their historical leaders. This chapter adopts Wesley-Esquimaux and Smolewski’s (2004) five areas of impact to frame the discussion of historic trauma and ‘rise’ to triumph. The model addresses cultural strengths that contribute to this transition and their implications for Indigenous social work practice.