Australia, officially the Commonwealth of Australia, is commonly dubbed the ‘island continent’ due to being surrounded by the Indian and Pacific oceans in the southern and eastern hemispheres. It has a population of approximately 24 million people and consists of six states (New South Wales [NSW], Queensland [Qld], South Australia [SA], Tasmania [Tas], Victoria [Vic], Western Australia [WA]) and two territories (Australian Capital Territory [ACT], Northern Territory [NT]). Much of the population is located in coastal cities and towns, and heritage is largely British and Irish due to settlements in the 18th century. Acknowledgement of Australia’s Indigenous peoples and contributions is developing with a public apology in 2008, although it remains an area of contention. Christianity is the main religion practiced in Australia and is influential in health, education and welfare. With increasing immigration, Australia is developing as a multicultural nation with several persons born elsewhere, and many with at least one overseas-born parent. Australia is known for its climate, water and adventure activities, wildlife, a love of sun and sport and fair-go attitude.