Next, to their Friends their Thanks are dealt around, And some with Gifts, and some with Praise are crown’d: Of these, the Chief are Rhodes, by Phœbus lov’d*, 80 And Sparta rough, in Virtue’s Lore approv’d. Of Athens much they speak; Massilia’s Aid, Is with her Parent Phocis†’ Freedom pay’d. Deiotarus‡ his Truth they much commend, Their still unshaken faithful Asian Friend. 85 Brave Cotys, and his valiant Son they grace, With bold Rhasipolis from stormy Thrace. While gallant Juba justly is decreed To his paternal Scepter to succeed. And thou too, Ptolomy§ (unrighteous Fate!) 90 Wer’t rais’d unworthy to the Regal State; The Crown upon thy perjur’d Temples shone, That once was born by Philip’s Godlike Son.3 O’er Ægypt shakes the Boy his cruel Sword, (Oh! that he had been only, Ægypt’s Lord!)4 95 But the dire Gift more dreadful Mischiefs wait, While Lagos’ Scepter gives him Pompey’s Fate: Preventing Cœsar’s, and his Sister’s Hand, He seiz’d his Parricide, and her Command. Th’ Assembly rose, and all on War intent 100 Bustle to Arms, and blindly wait th’ Event. Appius alone¶, impatient to be taught, With what the threat’ning future Times were fraught, With busie Curiosity explores The dreadful Purpose of the heav’nly Pow’rs. 105 To Delphos strait he fl ies, where long the God In Silence had possess’d his close Abode; His Oracles had long been known to cease, And the Prophetick Virgin liv’d in Peace.5