Upon arrival, the principal seemed bothered that Kyle had been sent in for the job; she already had a substitute in mind. Her preferred sub was an African American woman who already had close ties with the school. Kyle told her he was there to sub for the class and she told him the position was filled. He asked if there was any place in the school where he was needed as he was already there and wished to serve her school. “Wait here,” she replied. The principal went to her office and called the district sub-office. From the front, Kyle heard the principal exclaim, “I’ve already got someone in mind for this job and you need to call me before sending someone!” The principal returned and informed Kyle that there was a substitute needed for the day helping children with severe and profound disabilities. He jumped at the opportunity. At the end of the day the principal called Kyle to her office and said she would give him a chance in the long-term position starting tomorrow.