Over-consumption of alcohol, nicotine, psychoactive drugs, and food has been shown to contribute significantly to most of the leading causes of death in the United States, while certain positive health-related behaviors, including exercise, tooth brushing, and wearing a seat belt have been associated with lowered morbidity and mortality [1–4]. Although the cause of health-related behaviors is poorly understood, studies indicate that health-related attitudes, beliefs, and behavior patterns are formed at a young age; most likely before onset of puberty [5–11]. Pratt interviewed 510 families with children, aged nine to thirteen years, and found that their children’s dental, sleep, exercise, hygiene, nutrition, toilet and smoking attitudes and practices were well established [6]. Lewis, 143Gochman, Mechanic, and Suchman have reported that grade school children have definite perceptions of health, illness, and attitudes towards health-related behavior [5, 7–9]. Some epidemiologic surveys reveal that over-eating, smoking, drinking, and drug-taking are prevalent among a small percentage of grade-school children [11,12], and Tennant and Detels have found that use of cigarettes, alcohol and coffee by children in the under-age twelve group is highly correlated with adult abuse of drugs and alcohol [13].