Compared to the nearby 'European Pavilion', the 'Global House' at the last World Exhibition in Hannover was a great success. The Austrian region of Vorarlberg contributed to the exhibitions in that 'Global House' one of the visionary models concerning 'the future of work', its project 'Nature and Life in the Bregenzerwald' presented a curious mix of, on the one hand, modern, open-minded design with, on the other hand, regional and traditional culture, underlined by several stage performances in folk costume, which created an obvious contrast for the audience. And yet, this contrast indicated exacdy what the project was about: It was an example of a regional 'bottom up' development, ecologically and consumer (in a European, networked sense) oriented, which actually had contributed to structural improvements in agriculture, commerce and tourism in the Bregenzerwald area, and it was sustained in this valley by a multifaceted and intense search for 'cultural roots'. In this area, 'cultural heritage' has come to be associated with nature-based agriculture; low transport, small-scale handicraft production; a cultural landscape defined as 'natural': and, a newly re-discovered local folk culture, branded with the seal of authenticity. In other words: a reinforcement of regional identity has been the driving force and the aim of this regional development as presented in the 'Global House'.