Chatter fills the room of a class full of 5- and 6-year-old children as they happily make welcome cards for the new student due to join their class today. Some draw pictures illustrating the school activities their new friend will be able to join in with, others write simple messages about themselves to share with their new classmate, while more decorate their card using their favorite colors and designs. They talk in their groups about how they will help the new boy feel welcome in school, the games they might play with him, jokes they will tell, and stories they will share. Silence filters through the room at the familiar sound of a knock on the door. “He’s here!” “He has arrived,” “Quick, open the door!” exclaim some of the children excitedly. Ms. P. smiles and moves knowingly to the door, opening it with a bright smile on her face. The principal stands at the other side, with Billy in tow. Billy moves closer to Mr. Barry, cowering in and hiding his eyes from the children. “It’s okay, Billy,” Ms. P. says to him, “I know you’re feeling scared right now, this is all new for you. The children are very excited to meet you and can’t wait to show you all of the things in your new classroom.” Ms. P. helps Billy find his way into the room and he gazes around, taking in the children. Their eyes follow Billy as he moves with Ms. P. They look at him with interest, some grinning from ear to ear, others taking a moment to ponder the new arrival, to check their peers to see their reactions. Some reach out to touch Billy, others giggle hello, all are actively engaging with this new friend. And so the puppet journey begins …