Imagine yourself and your spouse on a holiday eve, at the eleventh hour sally to the local mall to get those missing items on your shopping list. You drive into the parking lot, which brims with hundreds of vehicles, and you look intently for a free spot. By an amazing stroke of luck, a car is about to pull out of a far row. Seizing the moment, you quickly move to fill the space the very millisecond it is vacated. One look at your spouse, however, conveys that all is not well. For, better than a thousand words, your spouse’s countenance betrays deep disappointment with your chosen spot. After all, it is quite far from the mall entrance, requiring a considerable hike in chilly weather and under a mountain of packages to boot. Instead of taking it, your spouse would prefer to continue exploring until the perfect spot is found, even if this means cruising through hundreds of occupied spaces. To you, quite frankly, this quest seems frustrating, if not futile. You are simply itching to get on with it, to park the car wherever possible so you can proceed with the shopping task ahead. To be fair and impartial, we leave the saga before finding out whether a perfect spot was ever found. Regardless of whether it was, such differences in viewpoint may not appear to be the stuff of which marital bliss is made. A surprising perspective on this issue is offered in the concluding section of this article. That, however, is not the main point of our story.