This chapter from two DMTs from the US, provide an exploration of mother–son transgenerational transmission of eating issues using a co-treatment method. They present a case study, based on a multifaceted treatment using the Ways of Seeing DMT treatment approach by Tortora, addressing transgenerational transmission of family trauma. The development of eating issues originated in the parent–infant relationship and continued into the child’s elementary years. The use of careful observation of nonverbal behaviour during experiential parts of the sessions, thoughtful attention to the underlying themes of the conversations with the mother, and storylines created by the child, enabled the transgenerational themes to emerge and be processed. The Ways of Seeing framework includes three core elements: a co-treatment with each DMT working separately with the parent and child; a specific sequence of multi-arts activities using body awareness, drawing, dance-play and storytelling to integrate the experiences on a body-mind-emotional continuum; and the coordination of the treatment plans between the co-therapists through regularly scheduled meetings, with attention to the DMT’s embodied countertransference experience for optimal treatment.