This chapter explores clinical competence related to the neonatal infant physical examination (NIPE) and how this competence can be measured. A student guide to the NIPE could not be written without considering what defines clinical competence and what level a practitioner should aim to achieve. This is important not only for you as a student but also for those professionals working in the role as a NIPE practitioner. Public Health England (2016) emphasise the importance of this and highlight the professional responsibility to maintain competence once qualified as a NIPE practitioner. At this point in your learning you will no doubt have had to demonstrate competence in your work, be it academic or practical, but do you know how this was measured or what defines the level you are expected to achieve as a NIPE student? This chapter discusses competence and professional responsibility, including some of the teaching strategies that are being applied in learning institutions throughout the UK to help practitioners achieve clinical competence. A huge variation now exists in relation to current preparation of NIPE practitioners relating to academic accreditation, forms of assessment and the modes of content delivery. In nursing and midwifery education there is an ongoing transition from traditional teaching and learning to more self-directed and practice-based learning, and this is never more prevalent than in the education of the NIPE practitioner. Recognising the discussion in Chapter 2 related to the challenges linked to releasing practitioners from the workplace to attend classroom-based learning, new ways of teaching are being embraced. <target id="page_212" target-type="page">212</target>Think Point

Take a moment to consider your NIPE course learning outcomes; how were you supported to achieve those outcomes?

What teaching methods were used to help you reach a point where you felt ready to perform your first NIPE in practice?