The price of security is high. Since 9/11, states, cities, and counties have upgraded their preparedness and response capabilities. Training, planning, drills, and new equipment were and still are needed. New organizational structures, new offices, and new procedures have revolutionized the preparedness and response of American governments. But more needs to be done. As every jurisdiction jumps on the security bandwagon, most governments find that they need more equipment, new equipment, or any equipment at all. A market is born and the equipment industry is booming. Communications, transportation, biodetection, medical, testing, and hazardous materials equipment form one of the hottest new markets around the world (Schneiderman 2005). Many companies are running full tilt with three shifts around the clock. No job losses here. For example, from 9/11, we learned of the importance of communications interoperability. The lack of communication between fire and police personnel retarded rescue efforts and was also a problem in the series of interagency exercises, called top officials (“TOPOFF”) in 2000, 2003, 2005, and 2007 (FEMA 2007a, States 2005). During 276the 2005 TOPOFF drills at New Jersey and Connecticut hospitals, personnel resorted to personal cell phones to communicate with other departments. The 9/11 commission also placed interoperable communications on their list of urgent, but unmet, needs (The 9/11 Commission 2005), and governments continue to place radio equipment on the top of their wish list.