Paradoxically, the issue of the sexualization of discourse has never been broached. As animal endowed with language, as rational animal, man has always represented the only possible subject of discourse, the only possible subject. And his language appears to be the universal itself. The mode(s) of predication, the categories of discourse, the forms of judgment, the reign of the concept ... have never been questioned with respect to their determination by a sexed being. The relationship of the speaking subject to nature, to objects both given and fabricated, to God the creator, and to other worldly beings, has been called into question at different periods of history; however, this domain, or this universe, has always been men’s. This a priori has never appeared, and still does not appear, to call for scrutiny. A perpetually unrecognized law regulates all operations carried out in language(s), all production of discourse, and all constitution of language according to the necessities of one perspective, one point of view, and one economy: that of men, who supposedly represent the human race.