Talk about fun, for this 1920s’ sport the “ jumping balloonist” wore a harness fitted around the body and legs. Ropes ten to fifteen feet long radiated up from the harness and attached to a small bal­ loon eighteen feet in diameter. Three thousand cubic feet of hydro­ gen gas filled the balloon. Thus attired, the balloonist ran for a short distance then leaped into the air, catapulting 40 feet high while covering a distance of 100 yards. As soon as he or she touched ground, another little run and a kangaroo spring propelled the bal­ loonist up and away again. A poetic fan described the experience:

In balloon jumping the coming back to solid ground is like a gull lighting on water, like a leaf drifting down softly on a still day in October. The wind is your slave and the genii of the balloon take you up and put you down as deliciously as Alad­ din’s did the Princess, asleep in her royal bed.