IN 1840 white settlers in the rugged Gippsland (called ‘Gipps Land’ at the time) region o f eastern Victoria reputedly located items o f European origin in a camp abruptly abandoned by local Kurnai people. A detailed inventory o f these objects was printed in a letter written by Angus McMillan — Scottish immigrant, and one o f the ‘founders’ o f modern Gippsland — in the Sydney Herald. Upon entering the camp, McMillan and his companions ‘discovered’:

...several check-shirts, cord and moleskin trousers, all besmeared with human blood; one German frock; two pea-jackets, new brown Macintosh cloak also stained with blood, several pieces of womens wearing apparel, namely,prints and merinos; a large lock o f brown hair, evidently that o f an European woman; one child’s white frock, with brown velvet band, five hand towels o f which one was marked R . Jamieson No. 12, one blue silk purse, silver tassels and slides, containing seven shillings and sixpence British money, one womens thimble, two large parcels o f silk sewing thread, various colours, 10 new English blankets perfectly clean, shoe-makers’ awls, bees’ wax, blacksmith’s pincers and cold chis­ el, one bridle bit, which had been recently used, as the grass was quite fresh on it, the tube o f a thermometer, broken looking glass, bottles o f all descriptions, two of which had castor oil in them, one sealskin cap, one musket and some shot, one broad toma­ hawk, some London, Glasgow and Aberdeen newspapers, printed in 1837 and 1838. One pewter two-gallon measure, one ditto handbasin, one large tin camp kettle, two children’s copy books, one bible printed in Edinburgh, June 1838, one set o f National Loan Fund regulations, respecting policies o f fife insurance, and blank forms of medical men’s certificate for effecting the same. .7