It is proposed to establish at Rosslyn Park, Hampstead, an institution of this kind, for the daughters of Soldiers. The encouragement which the Committee have received has induced them to elect 30 girls to the Home, and it is intended to increase this number to 100. The majority of the girls educated in the Home will be trained from the earliest age to industrial habits for domestic servants, and the more talented, from the age of 15 to 20, it is proposed to instruct as pupil teachers in the educational department of the institution. It is also intended to raise funds for the endowment of scholarships, of the value of and 50l., and the sum of 50l. has already been contributed to a “Raglan Memorial Scholarship,” and a like sum to a "Chester Scholarship.” The establishment of this “Home” will be the most effective of alleviating a vast amount of heart rending misery, and we earnestly recommend the cause, “emphatically a national one,” to the generous support of the public.