A timely publication has been made of the result of the operations of the Committee, of which Major the Hon. H. L. Powys is Secretary. We are exceedingly glad of the appearance of this interesting document, which appears in the United Service Gazette of this day, because we know that many persons have held back their subscriptions until they could ascertain how the funds were appropriated. There can no longer be the slightest excuse for hesitation. A most just and conscientious stewardship is apparent in the very face of the statement. And now that the real struggle has commenced in the Crimea, the necessity for a greater public effort on behalf of the poor families is most urgent. The fund raised amounts to 80,269l. 17s. 7d.; and it has been accumulated at a charge of no more than 3 per cent. Upwards of 9,000l. has already been spent in the actual relief of wives and children, to whom widows and orphans have been added. The “dreary catalogue of destitution” is most heart-rending; and from the extracts which have been published very great judgment and discrimination appear to have been exercised in allotting relief. Care has been taken to distinguish between the women married with leave and those married without leave, and the fact of there being very many of the latter, who are most exemplary wives and respectable women, the Committee have recommended the establishment of a National Fund, to which Soldiers should subscribe, in order to raise the condition of their wives, and secure a provision for the widow.