We have had several applications with reference to the scale of weekly relief which the widows and orphans of non-commissioned officers and privates are entitled to receive from the funds in the hands of the Royal Commissioners of the Patriotic Fund. We are authorised to append the provisional scale of payments now in force; but we may observe, at the same time, that the scale is under the consideration of the commissioners with a view to the stipends being increased. This increase must, however, be necessarily small; regard being had to the claims which may yet be made upon the Fund. The income of the commissioners from the proceeds of the invested stock now standing in their names, amounts to £30,000 per annum; but it is estimated that, should the war continue, the charges upon the Fund will exceed £43,000, thus leaving a deficit of £13,000 to be provided.—The following is a copy of the rules laid down by the commissioners: