The article in our last number advocating the claims of soldiers’ wives, has, we are glad to say, excited a wide degree of attention; and, among the communications addressed to us on the subject, some very pertinent remarks which appear in another portion of our pages will be read with considerable interest. Public sympathy, indeed, is now fairly enlisted in the cause; and, as a proof of this, we may mention the generous offer of a flourishing commercial Company―the Conservative Land Society―to place at the disposal of the committee one of their estates, to be used in any manner they may decide for the advantage of the fund. This is a noble example, and we are glad to see that Lord INGESTRIE [sic], the chairman of the Association, has apprised Lord RANELAGH that it is under consideration to hold a féte on the grounds in question, in behalf of this praiseworthy object. In return, we can only wish that the Conservative Land Society may enjoy that full tide of prosperity and success which has hitherto attended its operations.