We have received two letters from the wives of soldiers, which add to the many proofs already given of neglect in official departments. The writer of one of these letters states that three weeks ago she received a letter from her husband, who belongs to the Turkish Contingent, stating that he had sent her 9l., which would be paid to her on application at a house in Pall-mall on mentioning her name and address. She has been there three times and has received a letter since, but the only answer she can get is, that there must be remittances coming, as there are so many inquiries, and as soon as they get the money it will be paid. It appears (adds our correspondent) that a list of names must be obtained from the paymaster, and then a letter is sent to the address of the person to whom it is to be paid. This is a new arrangement, but before it was made money was always received without difficulty. Our correspondent concludes by saying that she has written to the Secretary at War, but all is of no use, and she can get no satisfaction. The other letter complains in still more striking terms of official neglect in the payment of money. Our correspondent says that she is the wife of a soldier who is fighting for his Queen and country, and that she has three children. Her husband sent her 2l. on the 8th of November, but she has not yet received the money. She also says that she has received several letters with three stamps affixed, for one of which she had to pay 1s. 9d., because her husband’s name and number were not on it. She is now in the receipt of only 4s. a week for the support of herself and three children, and has been compelled to make away with all her wearing apparel in consequence of not receiving the money sent to her by her husband. This correspondent has also written to the authorities, but no notice has been taken of the application.— Times.