Sir,—I have just read in The Times of yesterday a letter from “A Soldier’s Wife,” whose husband, in the Scots Fusileer [sic] Guards, is gone to Constantinople, soliciting a ticket of admission into the Queen Charlotte’s Lying-in Hospital, and on inquiry I find that already some members of the committee and other governors have sent her letters of admission. As a member of the committee, I feel assured I can confidently express the opinion of the whole of that body, that they will be most happy to give assistance, to all soldiers’ wives in the position of this poor woman, to the utmost of their power; but, unfortunately, that power is considerably crippled from want of means. The hospital, which has been established for upwards of a century, is now languishing for want of funds. The committee have been striving for the last two years to raise subscriptions to rebuild the hospital, now in a most dilapidated condition; but, unfortunately, they see new charities rising up every day into whose exchequer the public pour their money, while this old charity, so long patronized by our Royal family, is passed by unheeded. Nevertheless, I am sure the committee will, as long as they have any means left at all, be too happy to receive the wives of those brave men now gone to fight our battles.