The Detachments of the three Regiments of Foot Guards, under orders for embarkation to join the Service Companies of their respective Battalions in the Crimea, making a total reinforcement of 230, marched to the terminus of the South-Western Railway on Thursday. The three Bands of the different Regiments accompanied the men, and played some lively airs along the streets, but on reaching the platform of the station the Fusiliers’ Band struck up the “Highland Laddie,” after which the Coldstream Band played “Cheer, boys, cheer,” and the other Band played “The girl we left behind us.” A number of the wives and their children were allowed to accompany their husbands to the platform, and the scene, as the train moved, was painful in the extreme. Women and children were clinging to the doors of the carriages, crying, and taking perhaps their last farewell of all those dear to them in this world. The moment the train commenced moving, the Bands struck up “God save the Queen!” when one unanimous shout was given, which might have been heard half a mile distant.