In a letter from a private soldier, dated Gallipoli, June, 10 and addressed to his family, we read: “And another thing I have to inform you, we found a young girl here―an English girl. She was a slave to some Greek here; she was found working in the fields, by one of the women of the 28th Regiment, who was going across the fields to go to market, when the poor creature called her over, and asked her for a drink of water, and then she told her she was an Englishwoman, and had been slave to this Greek four years; she was shipwrecked with her father when she was twelve years old. She says this fellow was a pirate when he first took her. But the soldiers went and got some clue to where these fellows were, and pulled the nest about them, and brought five of them prisoners, and brought 20 women away with them―all slaves. But they had the Englishwoman confined in irons somewhere else. But they told the men they would hang them all there and then to a tree, if they would not tell where the Englishwoman was; and to save their lives they told, and they then found the poor girl in a dungeon underground, and in irons, with a great weight on her chest; so they released her. These men are to be tried, and they are sure to be shot. The soldiers are going to make a subscription for her; she is a native of Essex. ”